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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool exif. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Exif is a command line tool used to extract, manipulate, and display metadata information of image files. It stands for Exchangeable Image File Format.

The tool primarily focuses on the metadata stored in digital photos, such as camera details, exposure settings, GPS coordinates, date and time of capture, and much more.

Exif supports a wide range of image formats, including JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and many others, making it a versatile tool for metadata extraction.

It allows users to view detailed information about the camera used to capture the image, such as the make, model, lens, and firmware version.

Users can also extract location data from photos taken with GPS-enabled devices, revealing the latitude, longitude, and altitude where the image was captured.

Exif can also display exposure information like aperture, shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, and exposure bias.

The tool provides an option to modify the metadata of an image, allowing users to add, remove, or modify specific metadata fields.

Exif is especially useful for photographers, graphic designers, and investigators who need to analyze image metadata for various purposes.

It can be integrated into scripts or automated workflows using its command line interface, making it suitable for batch processing multiple images.

Exif is an open-source tool, widely available for different operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring widespread accessibility and support.

List of commands for exif:

  • exif:tldr:0bfe9 exif: Show the raw contents of the "Model" tag in the given image.
    $ exif --ifd=${0} --tag=${Model} --machine-readable ${image-jpg}
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  • exif:tldr:2930a exif: Extract the image thumbnail into the file `thumbnail.jpg`.
    $ exif --extract-thumbnail --output=${thumbnail-jpg} ${image-jpg}
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  • exif:tldr:34e79 exif: Change the value of the "Artist" tag to John Smith and save to `new.jpg`.
    $ exif --output=${new-jpg} --ifd=${0} --tag="${Artist}" --set-value="${John Smith}" --no-fixup ${image-jpg}
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  • exif:tldr:806d3 exif: Show a table listing known EXIF tags and whether each one exists in an image.
    $ exif --list-tags --no-fixup ${image-jpg}
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  • exif:tldr:95713 exif: Show all recognized EXIF information in an image.
    $ exif ${path-to-image-jpg}
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