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List of commands for expr:

  • expr:tldr:0561c expr: Calculate a specific mathematic expression.
    $ expr ${expression1} ${select} ${expression2}
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  • expr:tldr:1f2c3 expr: Get the length of a specific string.
    $ expr length "${string}"
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  • expr:tldr:2704a expr: Get the first expression if its value is non-zero and not null otherwise get the second one.
    $ expr ${expression1} \| ${expression2}
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  • expr:tldr:30178 expr: Get the first char position from a specific set in a string.
    $ expr index "${string}" "${chars}"
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  • expr:tldr:327a4 expr: Get the substring of a string with a specific length.
    $ expr substr "${string}" ${from} ${length}
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  • expr:tldr:668e2 expr: Get the first expression if both expressions are non-zero and not null otherwise get zero.
    $ expr ${expression1} \& ${expression2}
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  • expr:tldr:b34dc expr: Match a specific substring against an anchored pattern.
    $ expr match "${string}" '${pattern}'
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