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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool expr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The expr command line tool is a utility in Unix-like operating systems that evaluates and prints the value of an expression. It is commonly used to perform basic arithmetic operations, string manipulation, and logical comparisons within shell scripts or directly from the command line. Some key features of expr include: 1. Arithmetic operations: expr can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on numbers. 2. String manipulation: It can extract substrings, match regular expressions, and concatenate strings. 3. Logical comparisons: expr allows you to perform comparisons such as equality, inequality, greater than, and less than between numbers or strings. 4. Conditional expressions: It supports basic if-else style conditions, enabling executing different code paths based on the expression's evaluation. 5. Error handling: expr handles potential errors like division by zero or invalid operands by returning appropriate error codes. Here's a simple example demonstrating the usage of expr: $ expr 5 + 3 8 $ expr length "Hello, World!" 13 $ expr substr "This is a test" 6 2 is $ expr index "abcdefg" "g" 7 $ expr \( 2 + 3 \) \* 4 20 In addition to these basic operations, expr can be combined with other command line utilities and control flow constructs to build more complex scripts or one-liners.

List of commands for expr:

  • expr:tldr:0561c expr: Calculate a specific mathematic expression.
    $ expr ${expression1} ${select} ${expression2}
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  • expr:tldr:1f2c3 expr: Get the length of a specific string.
    $ expr length "${string}"
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  • expr:tldr:2704a expr: Get the first expression if its value is non-zero and not null otherwise get the second one.
    $ expr ${expression1} \| ${expression2}
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  • expr:tldr:30178 expr: Get the first char position from a specific set in a string.
    $ expr index "${string}" "${chars}"
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  • expr:tldr:327a4 expr: Get the substring of a string with a specific length.
    $ expr substr "${string}" ${from} ${length}
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  • expr:tldr:668e2 expr: Get the first expression if both expressions are non-zero and not null otherwise get zero.
    $ expr ${expression1} \& ${expression2}
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  • expr:tldr:b34dc expr: Match a specific substring against an anchored pattern.
    $ expr match "${string}" '${pattern}'
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