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exrex: Generate a random string that matches a regular expression.
$ exrex --random '${regular_expression}'
try on your machine

The exrex command is a tool used to generate random strings based on a given regular expression.

In the provided command, --random is an option used to generate a random string that matches the given regular expression. The regular expression is represented by ${regular_expression}.

The ${regular_expression} part should be replaced with an actual regular expression that specifies a pattern for the random string generation. For example, if you wanted to generate a random string that consists of 5 lowercase letters, the command could be:

exrex --random '[a-z]{5}'

This would generate a random string such as "abcdk". The regular expression [a-z]{5} specifies that the string should consist of 5 lowercase letters.

The exrex tool is commonly used in scripting or command line operations where random strings matching a specific pattern are needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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