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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool exrex. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


exrex is a command line tool used for generating regular expressions based on user-defined input patterns. The name exrex is derived from "expression regular expressions". It is written in Python and aims to simplify the process of creating regular expressions by automating their generation.

With exrex, users can define a desired input pattern using a simple format and the tool will generate a regular expression to match that pattern. It saves users from the complex task of manually writing regular expressions by providing an intuitive and straightforward way to express patterns.

As a command line tool, exrex can be run from the terminal, making it easily accessible and usable in various scripting and automation workflows. It supports a wide range of regular expression features, including character classes, quantifiers, anchors, and more.

Overall, exrex is a handy tool for anyone who needs to work with regular expressions but wants to avoid the complexity of writing them manually. It makes the process of generating regular expressions more efficient and convenient.

List of commands for exrex:

  • exrex:tldr:1da0a exrex: Generate a random string that matches a regular expression.
    $ exrex --random '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:5772a exrex: Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression.
    $ exrex '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:5d8d1 exrex: Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression, joined by a custom delimiter string.
    $ exrex --delimiter "${, }" '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:6bbc4 exrex: Print a boat.
    $ exrex '${( {20}(\| *\\|-{22}|\|)|\-={50}| ( ){0,5}\\\-| {12}~{39})}'
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  • exrex:tldr:7f1d8 exrex: Print count of all possible strings that match a regular expression.
    $ exrex --count '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:9861c exrex: Generate at most 100 strings that match a regular expression.
    $ exrex --max-number ${100} '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:fad44 exrex: Simplify a regular expression.
    $ exrex --simplify '${select}'
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