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exrex: Simplify a regular expression.
$ exrex --simplify '${select}'
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The command "exrex --simplify '${select}'" is invoking the "exrex" tool with the parameter "--simplify" along with the value '${select}'.

exrex is a Python tool used for generating all possible matching strings that match a given regular expression. It generates all possible combinations of characters that match the specified regular expression pattern.

The "--simplify" flag, when used with exrex, simplifies the output. It removes any duplicate strings or unnecessary repetitions from the generated list of matching strings.

In this specific command, the value '${select}' is likely a placeholder or variable that represents a regular expression pattern. exrex will generate all possible matching strings for this regular expression, and the "--simplify" flag will ensure that any redundant or repeated strings are eliminated from the output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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