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f3probe: Time disk operations.
$ sudo f3probe --time-ops ${path-to-block_device}
try on your machine

The command sudo f3probe --time-ops ${path-to-block_device} is used to perform a health check and estimate the true capacity of a block device, such as a USB flash drive or an SD card.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • sudo: It is a command that allows the user to execute a command with administrative (root) privileges. It is used here to ensure that the f3probe command is executed with the necessary permissions.

  • f3probe: It is a command-line tool used to probe the capacity and integrity of a block device. It is a part of the "Fight Flash Fraud" (F3) project, which aims to detect counterfeit and fake flash drives.

  • --time-ops: It is an option used with f3probe to measure the time required for certain operations during the probing process. This can provide additional information regarding the device's performance and health.

  • ${path-to-block_device}: This should be replaced with the actual path to the block device you want to check. A block device could be /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc., depending on your system.

By running this command, the f3probe tool will analyze the block device specified by ${path-to-block_device}. It will perform several read and write operations to estimate the actual capacity of the device, verify its functionality, and detect any potential issues it may have. The --time-ops option will also measure the time taken for each operation, giving you further insights into the device's performance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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