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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool f3probe. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


f3probe is a command line tool used to analyze the capacity and integrity of flash-based media such as USB drives, memory cards, and solid-state drives (SSDs). It is part of the F3 (Fight Flash Fraud) project, which aims to prevent counterfeit flash devices from being sold and identify faulty or poor-quality flash storage.

The tool works by writing a series of predefined test patterns to the storage media and verifying if the data was correctly written and read back. This process helps to determine the true capacity of the flash storage and identify any potential issues such as overwriting, incorrect capacity reporting, or damaged sectors. It can also measure the performance of the storage device.

The f3probe command is typically used to gather information about the flash media, including the manufacturer, model, firmware version, and controller chip information. This information can be useful in identifying counterfeit or substandard flash devices that falsely report their capacity or have poor performance.

By detecting and reporting counterfeit or faulty flash devices, f3probe helps users make informed decisions when purchasing or using flash storage. It helps to ensure the reliability and integrity of the data stored on these devices and protects against potential data loss or corruption.

List of commands for f3probe:

  • f3probe:tldr:6ea5b f3probe: Probe a block device.
    $ sudo f3probe ${path-to-block_device}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • f3probe:tldr:92588 f3probe: Use the minimum about of RAM possible.
    $ sudo f3probe --min-memory ${path-to-block_device}
    try on your machine
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  • f3probe:tldr:dee9f f3probe: Time disk operations.
    $ sudo f3probe --time-ops ${path-to-block_device}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview