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fd: Include ignored and hidden files in the search.
$ fd --hidden --no-ignore "${select}"
try on your machine

This command is using the "fd" utility to search for file and directory names inside the current directory. Here is the explanation of the command components:

  1. "fd": It is a command-line utility used to find files and directories. It is an alternative to the traditional "find" command, providing a simpler and faster experience.

  2. "--hidden": This flag instructs "fd" to include hidden files and directories in the search. In UNIX-like systems, files and directories beginning with a dot (.) are considered hidden.

  3. "--no-ignore": This flag disables fd's default behavior of ignoring specific files and directories. By default, "fd" ignores files and directories defined in ignore files like ".gitignore". "--no-ignore" ensures that all files and directories are considered during the search.

  4. "${select}": This is a placeholder representing the search query or pattern provided by the user. The user may enter a specific filename, or use wildcard characters like "*" or "?" to match multiple files or directories.

Overall, the command is running "fd" to search for files and directories (including hidden ones) without ignoring any based on the specified query or pattern provided by the user.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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