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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


fd is a command-line tool designed to be a modern and user-friendly alternative to the standard Unix find command. It is written in Rust and provides a faster, simpler, and more intuitive way to search for files and directories.

Some key features of fd include:

  1. Faster performance: fd is optimized for speed and provides significantly faster search results compared to find, especially when used in large directories or complex search patterns.

  2. Simple syntax: fd offers a simplified syntax that is easier to use and understand. It uses regex-like patterns by default, making it more intuitive for users who are familiar with regular expressions.

  3. Smart filtering: fd automatically ignores hidden files and directories by default, saving you from searching through system and configuration files. However, you can easily include hidden files if needed.

  4. Colorized output: The tool provides colorized output by default, making it easier to visually distinguish between different file types.

  5. Flexible search criteria: fd allows you to search for files by name, extension, or even content using regex patterns. It supports case-sensitive and case-insensitive searches, as well as searching for files with specific file sizes or modified timestamps.

  6. Integration: fd integrates well with other command-line tools and can be easily used in combination with them. It supports features like piping, file type filtering, selecting files interactively, and more.

Overall, fd aims to provide a more efficient and user-friendly way to search for files and directories in your command-line interface, offering better performance and a simpler syntax compared to the traditional find command.

List of commands for fd:

  • fd:tldr:18a42 fd: Recursively find files matching a specific pattern in the current directory.
    $ fd "${select}"
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  • fd:tldr:524b6 fd: Find files in a specific directory.
    $ fd "${select}" ${path-to-directory}
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  • fd:tldr:6a049 fd: Execute a command on each search result returned.
    $ fd "${select}" --exec ${command}
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  • fd:tldr:6de10 fd: Include ignored and hidden files in the search.
    $ fd --hidden --no-ignore "${select}"
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  • fd:tldr:ae681 fd: Find files that begin with `foo`.
    $ fd "^foo"
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  • fd:tldr:ff241 fd: Find files with a specific extension.
    $ fd --extension txt
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