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fd: Find files that begin with `foo`.
$ fd "^foo"
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The command "fd "^foo"" is likely referring to the usage of the "fd" command with the regular expression pattern "^foo".

The "fd" command is a tool used for searching files and directories in a given directory structure based on specific criteria, typically using regular expressions.

In this case, "^foo" is the regular expression pattern. The "^" symbol is a special character in regular expressions that represents the start of a line. So, "^foo" means that the pattern is looking for files or directories that start with the word "foo".

When executing the command, it will search for any files or directories within the provided directory structure that have names starting with "foo" and display them as the output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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