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fdp: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
$ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | fdp -T gif > ${path-to-image-gif}
try on your machine

This command involves the use of the "echo" and "fdp" commands to generate a graph and save it as a GIF image file.

  1. The "echo" command is used to print the text within the double quotes ("${digraph {this -> that} }") to the standard output or terminal.

  2. "${digraph {this -> that} }" is a string or text representing a graph written in the DOT language. In this example, it defines a directed graph with one edge connecting the node "this" to the node "that".

  3. The output of the "echo" command is piped (|) to the "fdp" command.

  4. "fdp" is the command-line tool for the Graphviz software. It is used to create layouts and images of graphs based on the DOT language input.

  5. The "-T gif" option is used to specify the output format as GIF.

  6. Then, the ">" operator is used to redirect the standard output of the "fdp" command (the generated GIF image) to the specified file path "${path-to-image-gif}".

In summary, this command takes the graph defined in the DOT language, processes it with the "fdp" command, and saves the resulting graph as a GIF image file at the specified path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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