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feh: Create a montage of all images within a directory. Outputs as a new image.
$ feh --montage --thumb-height ${150} --thumb-width ${150} --index-info "${%nn%wx%h}" --output ${path-to-montage_image-png}
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This command is using the feh command-line image viewer tool to create a montage of thumbnail images.

  • feh: The command to run the feh tool.


  • --montage: This option tells feh to create a montage of images.
  • --thumb-height ${150}: This option sets the height of the thumbnail images to 150 pixels.
  • --thumb-width ${150}: This option sets the width of the thumbnail images to 150 pixels.
  • --index-info "${%nn%wx%h}": This option specifies the text to display on each image in the montage. ${%nn%wx%h} is a placeholder that will be replaced by the image's position number (%n), width (%w), and height (%h).
  • --output ${path-to-montage_image-png}: This option sets the output file path for the generated montage image. ${path-to-montage_image-png} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual desired path.

Overall, this command will use feh to create a montage image from a set of thumbnails with a specified size. The montage will display the position, width, and height information of each image, and the resulting image will be saved at the specified output path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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