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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool feh. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Feh is a command line image viewer and utility for Linux. It is lightweight, fast, and highly customizable. Feh allows you to view images in a terminal or X11 window, making it popular among users who prefer a minimalistic approach or those who work without a graphical user interface.

Some key features of feh include:

  1. Image Viewing: Feh supports various image formats including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and more. It can display images in full screen or thumbnail view modes.

  2. Slideshow Support: You can use feh to create custom image slideshows, specifying duration, transitions, and effects between images.

  3. Image Manipulation: Feh allows you to zoom, rotate, and flip images. It also supports basic image editing operations like cropping and resizing.

  4. Wallpaper Setting: Feh can be used to set desktop wallpapers. This feature is particularly useful in window managers where setting wallpapers is not built-in.

  5. File Management: Feh provides file management capabilities such as copying, moving, and deleting images directly from the command line.

  6. Scripting and Customization: Feh can be extensively customized using command line options, key bindings, or by writing scripts in languages like bash or Python.

Feh is widely used within Linux environments due to its simplicity and efficiency. Whether you need a fast image viewer, a wallpaper setter, or an image manipulation tool, feh offers a versatile command line solution for all these needs.

List of commands for feh:

  • feh:tldr:0cd8a feh: Create a montage of all images within a directory. Outputs as a new image.
    $ feh --montage --thumb-height ${150} --thumb-width ${150} --index-info "${%nn%wx%h}" --output ${path-to-montage_image-png}
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  • feh:tldr:7477c feh: Set the slideshow cycle delay.
    $ feh --slideshow-delay ${seconds} ${path-to-images}
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  • feh:tldr:884bf feh: View images without window borders.
    $ feh --borderless ${path-to-images}
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  • feh:tldr:8bbc0 feh: View images recursively.
    $ feh --recursive ${path-to-images}
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  • feh:tldr:92731 feh: View images locally or using a URL.
    $ feh ${path-to-images}
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  • feh:tldr:a27c4 feh: Exit after the last image.
    $ feh --cycle-once ${path-to-images}
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  • feh:tldr:c3d6c feh: Set your wallpaper (centered, filled, maximized, scaled or tiled).
    $ feh --bg-${select} ${path-to-image}
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tool overview