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feh: Set the slideshow cycle delay.
$ feh --slideshow-delay ${seconds} ${path-to-images}
try on your machine

The command "feh --slideshow-delay ${seconds} ${path-to-images}" is used to start a slideshow of images using the feh image viewer in Linux. Here is the breakdown of the command: - "feh" is the name of the image viewer application.

  • "--slideshow-delay" is an option provided by feh to specify the duration (in seconds) between each image change in the slideshow.
  • "${seconds}" is a placeholder where you would enter the desired time interval (in seconds) between image transitions.
  • "${path-to-images}" is a placeholder where you would specify the directory path where the images for the slideshow are located. For example, if you want to start a slideshow using feh with a delay of 5 seconds between image transitions and the images are located in the "/home/user/pictures" directory, you would run the command as follows: feh --slideshow-delay 5 /home/user/pictures This would launch the feh image viewer in slideshow mode with the specified delay and display the images from the specified directory.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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