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firebase: List existing Firebase projects.
$ firebase projects:list
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The command "firebase projects:list" is used in the Firebase Command Line Interface (CLI) to list all the Firebase projects associated with the currently logged-in user.

When you execute this command in your command line or terminal, it connects to the Firebase servers and fetches the information about your projects. This information includes the project ID, display name, project state, and other details.

The Firebase projects are a way to organize and manage your Firebase resources, like databases, hosting, functions, etc., under a single project umbrella. By executing "firebase projects:list", you can see a list of all the projects that you've created or have access to.

This command is useful when you have multiple Firebase projects and want a quick overview of the projects you're working on. You can confirm which projects are registered under your account, check their current states, and find their project IDs for further command operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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