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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool firebase. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Firebase is a command line tool developed by Google which allows developers to access and manage Firebase projects from the command line interface (CLI). Firebase is a platform that provides a range of cloud-based services and development tools to help build and scale mobile and web applications more easily.

Using the Firebase CLI, developers can perform various tasks such as deploying and hosting web applications, managing and deploying cloud functions, configuring and managing databases, authentication, as well as managing and monitoring cloud messaging services. It also provides features like file storage, real-time database updates, analytics, and performance monitoring.

The Firebase CLI offers a convenient way for developers to interact with their Firebase projects using familiar command-line tools. It allows for quicker development and automation of various tasks and integrates well with other command line tools and software development workflows.

List of commands for firebase:

  • firebase:tldr:09b76 firebase: Start an interactive wizard to create a Firebase project in the current directory.
    $ firebase init
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  • firebase:tldr:1f617 firebase: Deploy code and assets to the current Firebase project.
    $ firebase deploy
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  • firebase:tldr:3ceb4 firebase: Start an interactive wizard to open one of many links of the current Firebase project in the default web browser.
    $ firebase open
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  • firebase:tldr:3d1b4 firebase: Log in to .
    $ firebase login
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  • firebase:tldr:b393d firebase: Start a local server to statically host the current Firebase project's assets.
    $ firebase serve
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  • firebase:tldr:f483b firebase: List existing Firebase projects.
    $ firebase projects:list
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tool overview