The command "firejail --list" is used to list all the currently running Firejail sandboxes on your system.
Firejail is a Linux security utility that allows you to create lightweight sandboxes, also known as containers, in which you can run applications with restricted access to the rest of the system. These sandboxes provide an additional layer of security by isolating the applications from the rest of the operating system.
When you run the "firejail --list" command, it will display a list of all the Firejail sandboxes that are currently active or running on your system. Each sandbox will be listed with a unique numeric ID, the process ID (PID) associated with the sandbox, and the command or application that is being run within the sandbox.
This command is useful for checking the status of Firejail sandboxes, verifying that they are running as expected, and identifying any potential issues or conflicts with different sandboxes. It allows you to monitor and manage the sandboxes running in your system for enhanced security.