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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool firejail. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Firejail is a command line tool that provides sandboxing and security confinement to Linux applications. It aims to improve the security of running potentially vulnerable or untrusted programs by isolating them from the rest of the system.

  1. Firejail creates lightweight sandboxes for individual applications, restricting their access to system resources and limiting their ability to interact with other processes.
  2. It uses Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf to isolate applications and control their system calls.
  3. Firejail can be used to run web browsers, network servers, local applications, and even graphical desktop environments.
  4. It allows users to define rules to determine what resources and access permissions an application should have.
  5. The tool supports network sandboxing, allowing network access to be controlled for each sandboxed application.
  6. With Firejail, it is possible to restrict access to specific files or directories.
  7. It provides an easy-to-use command line interface, allowing users to quickly sandbox applications.
  8. Firejail has a large and active community, with regular updates and bug fixes being released.
  9. The tool also supports profiles, which are pre-configured settings for specific applications or use cases.
  10. Firejail can be an effective security measure against attacks like code injection, privilege escalation, and malicious network activity.

List of commands for firejail:

  • firejail:tldr:17b23 firejail: Shutdown a running sandbox.
    $ firejail --shutdown=${7777}
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  • firejail:tldr:61a2d firejail: List running sandboxes.
    $ firejail --list
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  • firejail:tldr:8717e firejail: List network activity from running sandboxes.
    $ firejail --netstats
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  • firejail:tldr:98449 firejail: Open a restricted Mozilla Firefox.
    $ firejail ${firefox}
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  • firejail:tldr:acfdd firejail: Start a restricted Apache server on a known interface and address.
    $ firejail --net=${eth0} --ip=${192-168-1-244} ${-etc-init-d-apache2} ${start}
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