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fixfiles: Use the [R]pm database to discover all files within specific packages and restore the file contexts.
$ fixfiles -R ${rpm_package_name1,rpm_package_name2 ---}
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The command "fixfiles -R ${rpm_package_name1, rpm_package_name2 ---}" is used to recursively reset the file security contexts on one or multiple RPM packages in a system.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "fixfiles" is the name of the command being executed.
  • "-R" is an option that indicates that the operation should be performed recursively. It means that the command will apply the fix to all files and directories within the specified RPM packages and their subdirectories.
  • "${rpm_package_name1, rpm_package_name2 ---}" represents a list of one or more RPM package names. These are placeholders and should be replaced with the actual names of the packages you want to fix. Multiple package names can be separated by commas, and the list can be extended with more names by using additional commas and package names.

In summary, running this command will initiate a recursive fix of the file security contexts for the specified RPM packages, ensuring that the file permissions and attributes are correctly set as intended by the package maintainers.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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