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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fixfiles. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "fixfiles" is a utility that is used in Linux systems for fixing file security contexts. It is usually found in systems that use SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux).

The main purpose of fixfiles is to restore the proper SELinux file labels on system files, directories, and processes. It can be used when certain files or directories have incorrect or missing SELinux security contexts, which may cause issues or restrict access.

Fixfiles works by reading the file contexts from a reference policy file provided by the distribution, and then applying those contexts to the specified files or directories. This ensures that the correct security labels are set, allowing SELinux to enforce the appropriate access controls.

This tool is often used after making changes to the system or when system files have been inadvertently modified, as it helps maintain the integrity and security of the system.

Fixfiles can also be used as part of troubleshooting SELinux-related issues. If certain files or processes are experiencing permission errors due to incorrect security contexts, running fixfiles can help rectify those problems.

It is essential to exercise caution while using fixfiles, as applying incorrect or inappropriate security contexts may introduce vulnerabilities or break the functionality of the system.

The fixfiles command supports various options, such as recursive mode to apply fixes to directories and their contents, verbose mode for detailed output, and dry-run mode to simulate fixes without actually modifying any files.

It is usually recommended to run fixfiles in conjunction with other SELinux commands and tools to ensure proper system security and functionality. The tool can be a helpful addition to the arsenal of system administrators tasked with managing SELinux-enabled systems.

List of commands for fixfiles:

  • fixfiles:tldr:2a514 fixfiles: If specified with onboot, this fixfiles will record the current date in the `/.autorelabel` file, so that it can be used later to speed up labeling. If used with restore, the restore will only affect files that were modified today.
    $ fixfiles -B
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  • fixfiles:tldr:3e032 fixfiles: Use the [R]pm database to discover all files within specific packages and restore the file contexts.
    $ fixfiles -R ${rpm_package_name1,rpm_package_name2 ---}
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  • fixfiles:tldr:6eefb fixfiles: Clear `/tmp` directory without confirmation.
    $ fixfiles -f
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  • fixfiles:tldr:7f6af fixfiles: [F]orce reset of context to match `file_context` for customizable files.
    $ fixfiles -F
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  • fixfiles:tldr:80629 fixfiles: Bind [M]ount filesystems before relabeling them, this allows fixing the context of files or directories that have been mounted over.
    $ fixfiles -M
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  • fixfiles:tldr:bf86d fixfiles: Only act on files created after a specific date which will be passed to find `--newermt` command.
    $ fixfiles -N ${YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM}
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  • fixfiles:tldr:c6929 fixfiles: Modify [v]erbosity from progress to verbose and run `restorecon` with `-v` instead of `-p`.
    $ fixfiles -v
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  • fixfiles:tldr:d65b5 fixfiles: Run a diff on the `PREVIOUS_FILECONTEXT` file to the [C]urrently installed one, and restore the context of all affected files.
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