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flac: Encode a WAV file to FLAC, specifying the output file.
$ flac -o ${path-to-output-flac} ${filename-wav}
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The command flac -o ${path-to-output-flac} ${filename-wav} is used to convert a WAV file into a flac (Free Lossless Audio Codec) file.

Here's what each part of the command does:

  • flac: This is the command to run the flac program, which is responsible for the audio encoding and decoding operations.

  • -o: This option specifies the output file for the converted flac file. ${path-to-output-flac} should be replaced with the desired path and filename for the resulting flac file.

  • ${path-to-output-flac}: This is a placeholder for the desired output path and filename for the flac file. You need to replace it with the actual path and filename you want for the converted file.

  • ${filename-wav}: This is a placeholder for the input WAV file that you want to convert. It should be replaced with the actual path and filename of the WAV file you want to convert.

To use this command, you would need to open a terminal or command prompt window, navigate to the directory where the flac program is installed, and then execute the command, replacing the placeholders with the appropriate paths and filenames.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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