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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool flac. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a command line tool used for encoding and decoding audio files. It is designed specifically for lossless compression, meaning it preserves the original audio quality without any loss of data. FLAC files maintain the same audio fidelity as the original source, making it ideal for archiving or distributing high-quality music.

One of the main advantages of FLAC is its ability to reduce the file size significantly, without compromising the audio quality. This makes it a popular choice for audiophiles and music enthusiasts who want to store large music libraries on their devices.

The FLAC command line tool provides a range of options for encoding and decoding. It supports different audio formats such as WAV, AIFF, and FLAC, allowing users to convert files to and from FLAC. With the tool, users can also specify various compression levels to achieve the desired balance between file size and audio quality.

FLAC has an open-source nature and is available for multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It can be integrated with various media players or used as a standalone tool through the command line interface.

The command line tool offers additional functionalities such as tagging support, allowing users to add metadata to their audio files. This allows for easy organization and identification of music tracks.

Furthermore, FLAC supports multi-threading, taking advantage of multi-core processors to perform encoding or decoding tasks faster. This feature reduces the overall processing time for large audio files.

FLAC also provides error detection and recovery capabilities, ensuring that the encoded audio files are accurate and free from corruptions. It supports verifying the integrity of the audio files to ensure they have been encoded and decoded correctly.

The FLAC command line tool is lightweight and efficient, consuming minimal system resources during encoding and decoding processes. This makes it suitable for both personal use on individual machines and for large-scale operations on servers or media libraries.

Due to its lossless nature, FLAC-encoded files can be decoded back to their original source without any loss of data. This means users can reliably convert FLAC files to other audio formats or play them on different devices, all while maintaining the original audio quality.

Overall, FLAC is a powerful command line tool, offering versatile encoding and decoding capabilities, lossless compression, tagging support, multi-threading, error recovery, and wide compatibility, making it a preferred choice for audio enthusiasts and professionals.

List of commands for flac:

  • flac:tldr:2803f flac: Test a FLAC file for the correct encoding.
    $ flac -t ${filename-flac}
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  • flac:tldr:5e564 flac: Encode a WAV file to FLAC (this will create a FLAC file in the same location as the WAV file).
    $ flac ${filename-wav}
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  • flac:tldr:80fca flac: Decode a FLAC file to WAV, specifying the output file.
    $ flac -d -o ${path-to-output-wav} ${filename-flac}
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  • flac:tldr:f4e0c flac: Encode a WAV file to FLAC, specifying the output file.
    $ flac -o ${path-to-output-flac} ${filename-wav}
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