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flarectl: Block a specific IP.
$ flarectl firewall rules create --zone="${example-com}" --value="${8-8-8-8}" --mode="${block}" --notes="${Block bad actor}"
try on your machine

This command is used to create a firewall rule using the flarectl tool. Here is a breakdown of each element:

  • flarectl: This is the command-line tool used to interact with the Cloudflare API.
  • firewall: It specifies that we are working with firewall-related operations.
  • rules: This indicates that we want to create a firewall rule.
  • create: It specifies that we want to create the rule.

Now let's break down the options and arguments in the command:

  • --zone="${example-com}": This option specifies the zone or domain to which the firewall rule applies. In this case, it is "${example-com}" which suggests that it is a placeholder value. Replace it with the actual domain name.
  • --value="${8-8-8-8}": This option specifies the value or condition to match against incoming traffic. In this case, "${8-8-8-8}" suggests that it is a placeholder value. Replace it with the actual value you want to match. Here, it is set to match the IP address
  • --mode="${block}": This option specifies the action to take when the rule is matched. In this case, "${block}" is a placeholder value indicating that traffic from the matched IP address should be blocked. Replace it with the desired mode of action, such as "block", "challenge", or "whitelist", etc.
  • --notes="${Block bad actor}": This option allows you to provide a note or description for the firewall rule. In this case, "${Block bad actor}" is a placeholder value indicating that it is a note for blocking a bad actor. Replace it with an appropriate note for your specific rule.

Make sure to replace the placeholder values with the actual values required for your scenario.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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