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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool flarectl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Flarectl is a command line tool developed by Cloudflare, a leading internet security and performance company.

  1. Flarectl is designed to interact with Cloudflare's APIs, allowing users to manage and configure their Cloudflare account and services.
  2. It provides a convenient way to interact with Cloudflare's features, such as caching, firewall rules, DNS configuration, and more, directly from the command line interface.
  3. Flarectl supports a wide range of functionalities, making it useful for both developers and system administrators who want to automate Cloudflare operations or integrate it into their existing workflows.
  4. With flarectl, users can easily purge the cache of their websites or specific URLs, ensuring the updated content is served to visitors.
  5. It enables users to create and manage firewall rules to protect their websites from malicious traffic or unwanted visitors.
  6. Flarectl allows users to configure DNS settings for their domains, including adding and modifying DNS records, managing subdomains, and setting up DNSSEC.
  7. Users can list, create, update, and delete various Cloudflare resources like Workers, Load Balancers, and Access rulesets using the command line tool.
  8. Flarectl provides a consistent and straightforward interface for accessing Cloudflare's API endpoints, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for users.
  9. It supports authentication with Cloudflare API tokens, making it secure and easy to manage access permissions for different users or automated scripts.
  10. Flarectl is available for various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, allowing users to seamlessly manage their Cloudflare services regardless of their preferred platform.

List of commands for flarectl:

  • flarectl:tldr:0aefc flarectl: List all Cloudflare IPv4/IPv6 ranges.
    $ flarectl ips --ip-type ${select}
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  • flarectl:tldr:c66e2 flarectl: Block a specific IP.
    $ flarectl firewall rules create --zone="${example-com}" --value="${8-8-8-8}" --mode="${block}" --notes="${Block bad actor}"
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  • flarectl:tldr:c7628 flarectl: List all firewall rules.
    $ flarectl firewall rules list
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  • flarectl:tldr:c949a flarectl: Add a DNS record.
    $ flarectl dns create --zone="${example-com}" --name="${app}" --type="${CNAME}" --content="${myapp-herokuapp-com}" --proxy
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