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flarectl: Add a DNS record.
$ flarectl dns create --zone="${example-com}" --name="${app}" --type="${CNAME}" --content="${myapp-herokuapp-com}" --proxy
try on your machine

This command is used to create a new DNS record for a domain zone using the Flarectl tool. The command has the following options:

  • dns create: Specifies that we want to create a new DNS record.
  • --zone="${example-com}": Specifies the domain zone for which we want to create the DNS record. Replace ${example-com} with the actual domain zone.
  • --name="${app}": Specifies the name of the DNS record. Replace ${app} with the desired name.
  • --type="${CNAME}": Specifies the type of DNS record. In this case, it is a CNAME (Canonical Name) record. Replace ${CNAME} with the desired record type if needed.
  • --content="${myapp-herokuapp-com}": Specifies the content value for the DNS record. Replace ${myapp-herokuapp-com} with the desired content.
  • --proxy: Specifies that the DNS record should be proxied through Cloudflare to provide additional security and performance benefits.

Note: Make sure to replace the variables ${example-com}, ${app}, and ${myapp-herokuapp-com} with the actual values you want to use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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