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flashrom: Probe the chip using Raspberry Pi.
$ flashrom -p ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0}
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The command flashrom -p ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0} is used to invoke the flashrom tool with specific options.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • flashrom: This is the name of the executable tool flashrom that is being executed.
  • -p ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0}: This flag specifies the programmer to use for flashing the firmware or EEPROM.

Let's break down the -p ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0} flag:

  • -p: This flag specifies the programmer. In this case, it is followed by ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0} which is a variable substitution to determine the programmer.
  • ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0}: This part is a variable substitution that resolves into a specific programmer. It is using the linux_spi driver and the dev option to specify the device to use. In this case, the device -dev-spidev0-0 is being specified.

Overall, the command is instructing flashrom to use the Linux SPI driver with the specific SPI device /dev/spidev0.0 for flashing the firmware or EEPROM.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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