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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool flashrom. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Flashrom is a command-line tool used for flashing firmware of various types of computer hardware. It is designed to work with flash memory storage devices such as BIOS chips, network cards, and other hardware components that have writable firmware.

The software is open-source and compatible with different operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It supports a wide range of programming and flashing methods, making it versatile for different devices and use cases.

Flashrom provides a command-line interface (CLI) where users can issue commands and specify the target device and desired action. It supports a variety of flash memory chips from different manufacturers, allowing users to read, write, verify, and erase the firmware on these devices.

It also supports a variety of flash programmers and interfaces, such as SPI, I2C, and various parallel port programmers, enabling compatibility with a wide range of hardware.

Flashrom is frequently used for BIOS updates on motherboards, which can improve system stability, compatibility, and add new features. It also allows for firmware recovery in case of corrupted or failed firmware.

The tool is highly versatile and can be used by advanced users, developers, and hardware enthusiasts for various purposes, including customization, debugging, and experimentation.

However, it is important to note that improper use of flashrom can lead to permanent damage to the hardware, so caution and understanding of the device's specifications and limitations are essential.

Flashrom has an active development community, and regular updates are released to enhance compatibility with new devices and fix bugs. It is licensed under the GPL (GNU General Public License), allowing users to modify and distribute the software freely.

Overall, flashrom is a powerful and widely used command-line tool for flashing firmware on a variety of computer hardware, providing users with extensive control and customization options.

List of commands for flashrom:

  • flashrom:tldr:39fe0 flashrom: Probe the chip, ensuring the wiring is correct.
    $ flashrom --programmer ${programmer}
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  • flashrom:tldr:3a0d6 flashrom: Probe the chip using Raspberry Pi.
    $ flashrom -p ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0}
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  • flashrom:tldr:4538f flashrom: Verify the flash against a file.
    $ flashrom -p ${programmer} --verify ${filename}
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  • flashrom:tldr:4bcb3 flashrom: Write a file to the flash.
    $ flashrom -p ${programmer} --write ${filename}
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  • flashrom:tldr:bc82a flashrom: Read flash and save it to a file.
    $ flashrom -p ${programmer} --read ${filename}
    try on your machine
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tool overview