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fly: Update local copy of fly.
$ fly -t ${target_name} sync
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the "fly" tool with the "-t" flag followed by a variable substitution "${target_name}", and then the "sync" command.

Here is a breakdown of each part:

  • "fly": "fly" is a command-line tool used in Concourse CI/CD system. It is used to interact with Concourse and perform various operations like managing pipelines, triggering builds, etc.

  • "-t": This flag is used to specify the target to which the "fly" command should connect. A target represents a Concourse deployment, such as a local deployment or a remote server. The "${target_name}" is a placeholder for the actual name of the target, which can be specified as an environment variable or directly in the command.

  • "sync": This is the command that tells "fly" to synchronize the local state with the Concourse server. When you run "fly sync", it will update the locally known state of the pipelines, resources, and jobs by fetching the latest information from the Concourse server. This is useful to ensure that the local and remote state are in sync.

Overall, this command is using "fly" to connect to a specific target and perform a synchronization to update the local state with the latest information from the Concourse server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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