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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fly. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Fly is a command line tool developed by Concourse, a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery platform. It is used to interact with Concourse pipelines, making it easier to manage and automate workflows.

  1. Fly allows users to perform various operations on pipelines such as viewing, triggering, pausing, and unpausing them.
  2. It provides a simple and intuitive command line interface for interacting with Concourse resources.
  3. With Fly, users can login to a Concourse server by providing the target URL, username, and password.
  4. It supports multiple Concourse targets, allowing users to switch between different instances easily.
  5. Users can view the status of their pipelines, including their current version, paused status, and the status of individual jobs and resources.
  6. Fly enables users to trigger pipeline runs and track their progress, displaying real-time logs and build output.
  7. It offers a wide range of commands for managing pipelines, such as creating new pipelines, setting pipeline configuration, and deleting pipelines.
  8. Users can also interact with individual jobs within a pipeline, viewing their status, triggering them, and fetching their logs.
  9. Fly provides support for managing and authenticating with external resources like Git repositories, tracking changes in source code, and triggering pipeline runs accordingly.
  10. It offers a comprehensive help system and documentation, making it easy for users to get started and understand the available commands and options.

List of commands for fly:

  • fly:tldr:06f4f fly: Update local copy of fly.
    $ fly -t ${target_name} sync
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  • fly:tldr:3cebf fly: Upload or update a pipeline.
    $ fly -t ${target_name} set-pipeline --config ${pipeline-yml} --pipeline ${pipeline_name}
    try on your machine
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  • fly:tldr:42a51 fly: List pipelines.
    $ fly -t ${target_name} pipelines
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  • fly:tldr:55524 fly: Unpause pipeline.
    $ fly -t ${target_name} unpause-pipeline --pipeline ${pipeline_name}
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  • fly:tldr:a21bf fly: Authenticate with and save concourse target.
    $ fly --target ${target_name} login --team-name ${team_name} -c ${https:--ci-example-com}
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  • fly:tldr:c746c fly: List targets.
    $ fly targets
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  • fly:tldr:ed4f4 fly: Show pipeline configuration.
    $ fly -t ${target_name} get-pipeline --pipeline ${pipeline_name}
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  • fly:tldr:f2a43 fly: Destroy pipeline.
    $ fly -t ${target_name} destroy-pipeline --pipeline ${pipeline_name}
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tool overview