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for: Execute given commands for the specified set.
$ for %${variable} in (${item_a item_b item_c}) do (${echo Loop is executed})
try on your machine

This command is written in the Windows command prompt or batch script syntax. Let's break it down:

  • "for" is a keyword that initiates a loop in Windows command prompt or batch scripting.
  • "%${variable}" is a placeholder for a variable that will be used in the loop. The "%" indicates that it is a variable.
  • "(${item_a item_b item_c})" is a set of values or items that the loop will iterate over. In this case, the items are "item_a", "item_b", and "item_c".
  • "do" is a keyword that indicates the beginning of the loop block.
  • "(${echo Loop is executed})" is the command that will be executed for each iteration of the loop. In this case, it is just an example command "echo Loop is executed" which will print "Loop is executed" when the loop runs.

So, when this command runs, it will iterate over the items "item_a", "item_b", and "item_c". For each iteration, it will execute the command "echo Loop is executed" and print "Loop is executed" to the console.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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