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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool for. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "for" command line tool is a versatile and powerful looping construct available in many operating systems, including Windows, Unix, and Linux. It allows you to execute a set of commands repeatedly based on a specified condition or a list of items. The most common usage of the "for" command is for iterating over files and directories in a directory structure. It provides various options to control the iteration process, such as filtering files based on names or extensions, recursive traversal, and control over the order of iteration. You can perform different actions on each item, like running a command, renaming, moving, or copying. The "for" command is commonly used for automating repetitive tasks, such as batch processing of files, generating reports, and managing software installations. It supports a wide range of syntax variations, allowing you to customize the looping behavior as per your requirements. The "for" command can be combined with other command line tools, like "if" statements, to create more complex logic and decision-making processes. It is an essential tool for command line scripting, system administration, and automating routine tasks. Knowledge of the "for" command is highly beneficial for efficient and effective command line usage.

List of commands for for:

  • flarectl:tldr:2a409 flarectl: Create many new Cloudflare zones automatically with names from `domains.txt`.
    $ for domain in $(cat ${domains-txt}); do flarectl zone info --zone=$domain; done
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  • for:tldr:26ead for: Iterate over a given range of numbers.
    $ for /l %${variable} in (${from}, ${step}, ${to}) do (${echo Loop is executed})
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  • for:tldr:55752 for: Execute given commands for the specified set.
    $ for %${variable} in (${item_a item_b item_c}) do (${echo Loop is executed})
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  • for:tldr:56125 for: Execute the given commands for each of the specified items.
    $ for ${variable} in ${item1 item2 ---}; do ${echo "Loop is executed"}; done
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  • for:tldr:7520f for: Perform a given command in every directory.
    $ for /d %${variable} in (*) do (if exist %${variable} ${echo Loop is executed})
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  • for:tldr:c79fc for: Iterate over a given range of numbers.
    $ for ${variable} in ${{from}..${to}..${step}}; do ${echo "Loop is executed"}; done
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  • for:tldr:cf1af for: Iterate over a given list of directories.
    $ for /d %${variable} in (${path\to\directory1-ext path\to\directory2-ext ---}) do (${echo Loop is executed})
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  • for:tldr:e7e74 for: Perform a given command in every directory.
    $ for ${variable} in */; do (cd "$${variable}" || continue; ${echo "Loop is executed"}) done
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  • shell:warp:763dd Loop through an array and run a command on each value
    $ for i in $${{array_name}[@]}; do ${command}; done
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  • shell:warp:d869f Shell for-loop
    $ for ${variable} in ${sequence}; do
    $ ${command}
    $ done
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