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for: Perform a given command in every directory.
$ for /d %${variable} in (*) do (if exist %${variable} ${echo Loop is executed})
try on your machine

This command is a Windows command prompt syntax used to iterate over directories (folders) in a specific location and perform a certain action on each directory.

Let's break down the command and understand each part:

  • for /d: This part of the command initiates a loop specifically designed for directories.

  • %${variable}: This is the variable that will be used to represent each directory as the loop iterates. The variable name is not specified in the provided command; it should be replaced with an actual variable name, such as %folder or %dir.

  • in (*): This specifies the location or path where the loop will be executed. The (*) is a wildcard character that represents all directories in the current location.

  • do (if exist %${variable} ${echo Loop is executed}): This is the action that will be performed on each directory. The if exist command checks if each directory exists, and if it does, the echo command ${echo Loop is executed} is executed. In this case, ${echo Loop is executed} is simply notifying that the loop is being executed for each directory.

To summarize, this command will execute a loop for every directory in the specified location, and if the directory exists, it will display the "Loop is executed" message.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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