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for: Iterate over a given list of directories.
$ for /d %${variable} in (${path\to\directory1-ext path\to\directory2-ext ---}) do (${echo Loop is executed})
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This command is using a for loop to iterate through a list of directories specified by the "path\to\directory1-ext", "path\to\directory2-ext", and so on.

The loop uses the "/d" option to specify that only directories should be considered.

The "%${variable}" is a placeholder for the variable that will hold each directory in each iteration.

The "(${echo Loop is executed})" represents the code that will be executed in each iteration. In this case, it is just a simple echo command that prints "Loop is executed".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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