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for: Perform a given command in every directory.
$ for ${variable} in */; do (cd "$${variable}" || continue; ${echo "Loop is executed"}) done
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This is a Bash shell command that executes a loop for every directory (represented by the */ pattern) in the current directory.

Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. for ${variable} in */;: This sets up a loop where the variable is assigned the name of each directory in the current directory, one at a time.

  2. do (cd "$${variable}" || continue; ${echo "Loop is executed"}): This is the code to be executed for each directory. It starts with (cd "$${variable}" which changes the current directory to the directory represented by the variable. This is done by using the cd command with the value of the variable inside double quotes. The double dollar signs $$ are used to escape the variable and expand it correctly.

    The || continue part is a conditional statement that checks if the cd command was successful. If it was not successful (e.g., if the directory does not exist or there are permission issues), the loop continues to the next iteration using the continue keyword.

    Finally, ${echo "Loop is executed"} represents the command to be executed within the directory. In this case, it's a simple echo command that prints "Loop is executed" to the console.

  3. done: This signifies the end of the loop.

To summarize, this command iterates over each directory in the current directory, changes the directory, and executes a command (in this case, printing "Loop is executed") within each directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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