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List of commands for fossil-commit:

  • fossil-commit:tldr:1421c fossil-commit: Create a new version containing all the changes in the current checkout with a comment read from a specific file.
    $ fossil commit --message-file ${path-to-commit_message_file}
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  • fossil-commit:tldr:280c8 fossil-commit: Create a new version containing all the changes in the current checkout; user will be prompted for a comment.
    $ fossil commit
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  • fossil-commit:tldr:d09d6 fossil-commit: Create a new version containing all the changes in the current checkout, using the specified comment.
    $ fossil commit --comment "${comment}"
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  • fossil-commit:tldr:e6305 fossil-commit: Create a new version containing changes from the specified files; user will be prompted for a comment.
    $ fossil commit ${filename1} ${filename2}
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