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fprintd-verify: Fail the process if a fingerprint doesn't match with ones stored in the database for the current user.
$ fprint-verify --g-fatal-warnings
try on your machine

The command "fprint-verify --g-fatal-warnings" is used to run the "fprint-verify" tool with the additional option "--g-fatal-warnings".

"fprint-verify" is a command-line tool used for comparing fingerprints or cryptographic hashes of files. It helps in verifying the integrity and authenticity of files by comparing their fingerprints.

The option "--g-fatal-warnings" is specific to the GNOME framework. When this option is included, it instructs the tool to treat any warnings as fatal errors and terminate the program execution. In other words, if the tool encounters any warning message, it will stop executing and terminate immediately.

This option is useful when you want to ensure that all warnings are considered critical and need immediate attention. It helps in catching potential issues or mistakes early in the process and prevents further execution of the program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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