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"from" is a keyword used in programming languages like Python to import modules or specific functions or classes from a module.

In Python, modules are files containing Python definitions and statements that are used to organize code into logical units. They allows you to reuse code across multiple programs or scripts.

The "from" command is used to selectively import specific functions or classes from a module instead of importing the entire module. It enables you to access the desired objects directly without needing to prefix them with the module name.

Here's an example:

from math import sqrt

result = sqrt(25)

In the above code, the "from" command is used to import only the "sqrt" function from the "math" module. This means we can directly use the "sqrt" function without having to refer to it as "math.sqrt". The code computes the square root of 25 and prints the result.

Using "from" can make code shorter and more readable, especially when only a few specific functions or classes from a module are required. However, when importing multiple functions or classes with the same name from different modules, it can cause naming conflicts. In such cases, it is recommended to import modules without using "from" to avoid conflicts.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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