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fselect: Find old-school rap 320kbps MP3 files.
$ fselect path from ${path-to-directory} where genre = ${Rap} and bitrate = ${320} and mp3_year lt ${2000}
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The given command is written in a hypothetical query language and it performs the following action:

The command uses the "fselect" keyword to select specific files from a directory.

It retrieves the "path" attribute (file path) of all the files located in the directory specified by "${path-to-directory}".

The command also includes certain conditions by using the "where" clause. It specifies that the selected files must meet the following criteria:

  1. The "genre" attribute of the file must be equal to "${Rap}".
  2. The "bitrate" attribute of the file must be equal to "${320}".
  3. The "mp3_year" attribute of the file must be less than the value specified by "${2000}".

In summary, this command will return the file paths for all Rap songs with a bitrate of 320 and an mp3_year earlier than 2000 from the directory specified by "${path-to-directory}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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