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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fselect. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


fselect is a command-line tool designed for file querying and searching on Unix-like systems. It allows users to perform complex file searches using a simple and expressive syntax. Here are ten key points about fselect:

  1. Search Capabilities: fselect enables users to find files that meet specific criteria based on attributes such as name, size, modification date, permissions, and file type.

  2. Expressive Query Language: It provides a powerful and user-friendly query language that allows for combining multiple conditions and applying logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT.

  3. Regular Expressions: fselect supports the use of regular expressions to make more advanced and flexible searches.

  4. Scripting: Users can create and save scripts to automate repetitive or complex search tasks, making it easier to perform future searches with a single command.

  5. Multiple Output Formats: Results can be displayed in various formats like tabular, CSV, JSON, or a custom format defined by the user.

  6. Sorting and Ordering: fselect allows sorting the search results by different attributes, such as size or modification date, in ascending or descending order.

  7. File Operations: Besides searching, fselect also supports performing actions on files based on the search results, such as moving, copying, deleting, or executing commands on specific files.

  8. Cross-Platform: fselect is written in Rust, making it highly portable and compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

  9. Lightweight and Fast: The tool is designed to be lightweight and optimized for speed, making it efficient even when searching through large directories or file systems.

  10. Open Source: fselect is an open-source project, which means it is freely available for modification, distribution, and contribution from the community. Users can access the source code, report issues, or submit feature requests on its GitHub repository.

List of commands for fselect:

  • fselect:tldr:29d8e fselect: Find old-school rap 320kbps MP3 files.
    $ fselect path from ${path-to-directory} where genre = ${Rap} and bitrate = ${320} and mp3_year lt ${2000}
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  • fselect:tldr:2b4dd fselect: Find square images.
    $ fselect path from ${path-to-directory} where width = height
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  • fselect:tldr:32bc1 fselect: Use SQL aggregate functions to calculate minimum, maximum and average size of files in a directory.
    $ fselect "${MIN(size), MAX(size), AVG(size), SUM(size), COUNT(*)} from ${path-to-directory}"
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  • fselect:tldr:9a4f8 fselect: Select full path and size from temporary or config files in a given directory.
    $ fselect size, path from ${path-to-directory} where name = ${'*-cfg'} or name = ${'*-tmp'}
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  • fselect:tldr:be6e0 fselect: Select only the first 5 results and output as JSON.
    $ fselect size, path from ${path-to-directory} limit ${5} into json
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