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fselect: Select full path and size from temporary or config files in a given directory.
$ fselect size, path from ${path-to-directory} where name = ${'*-cfg'} or name = ${'*-tmp'}
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This command is using the fselect tool to query and retrieve information about files in a specific directory (${path-to-directory}).

The query is looking for files with a specific pattern in their names. The pattern is defined with the help of wildcard characters (*).

The "size, path" part of the command specifies the information that we want to retrieve for these files. In this case, we are interested in the file size and the file path.

The "where" clause is used to filter the files based on certain conditions. In this command, there are two conditions separated by the "or" operator:

  1. "name = ${'*-cfg'}" - This condition matches files with names that end with "-cfg".
  2. "name = ${'*-tmp'}" - This condition matches files with names that end with "-tmp".

Overall, the command would retrieve the size and path of files in a specific directory which have names ending with either "-cfg" or "-tmp".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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