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ftxdiff: Output differences to a specific text file.
$ ftxdiff --output ${path-to-fontdiff_file-txt} ${path-to-font_file1-ttc} ${path-to-font_file2-ttc}
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The command "ftxdiff" is used to compare two TrueType Collection (TTC) font files and generate a font diff file in the specified output format.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "ftxdiff": This is the command itself that invokes the font diff tool.
  • "--output": This option specifies the output file where the font differences will be saved.
  • "${path-to-fontdiff_file-txt}": This is the path to the output file, including the desired filename and extension. It should be in the format of "path/to/fontdiff_file.txt". You need to replace "${path-to-fontdiff_file-txt}" with the actual path and filename you want to use.
  • "${path-to-font_file1-ttc}": This is the path to the first TTC font file that you want to compare. Replace "${path-to-font_file1-ttc}" with the actual path and filename of the first TTC font file.
  • "${path-to-font_file2-ttc}": This is the path to the second TTC font file that you want to compare. Replace "${path-to-font_file2-ttc}" with the actual path and filename of the second TTC font file.

So, when you run this command, it will compare the two TTC font files specified by ${path-to-font_file1-ttc} and ${path-to-font_file2-ttc}, and save the differences found in the specified output file (${path-to-fontdiff_file-txt}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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