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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ftxdiff. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ftxdiff is a command line tool used in software development to compare two or more files or directories. It is designed to identify the differences between these files or directories, providing a detailed report of the changes made. With ftxdiff, you can easily determine which lines, characters, or sections of code have been modified, added, or removed. The tool supports various file formats such as text files, XML, JSON, and even binary files. It offers different comparison modes, such as line-based or byte-based comparisons, giving developers flexibility when analyzing the changes. Ftxdiff provides a user-friendly interface, allowing developers to navigate through the differences easily and view side-by-side comparisons. Additionally, it supports integrating with version control systems, making it a valuable tool for tracking changes in code repositories.

List of commands for ftxdiff:

  • ftxdiff:tldr:4fb5d ftxdiff: Include unicode names in output.
    $ ftxdiff --include-unicode-names
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  • ftxdiff:tldr:531fe ftxdiff: Output differences to a specific text file.
    $ ftxdiff --output ${path-to-fontdiff_file-txt} ${path-to-font_file1-ttc} ${path-to-font_file2-ttc}
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  • ftxdiff:tldr:ae4d5 ftxdiff: Include glyph names in output.
    $ ftxdiff --include-glyph-names
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