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funzip: Decrypt a `.zip` or `.gz` archive and print the content.
$ funzip -password ${password} ${path-to-archive}
try on your machine

The command "funzip -password ${password} ${path-to-archive}" is used to extract compressed files from a password-protected archive using the "funzip" utility.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • "funzip" is a command-line utility for extracting files from a ZIP archive.
  • "-password" is an option flag used to specify the password required to access the encrypted archive.
  • "${password}" is a placeholder for the actual password value. You need to replace it with your desired password enclosed within quotes or directly type the password in its place.
  • "${path-to-archive}" is a placeholder for the actual path to the password-protected archive you want to extract. You need to replace it with the correct file path, including the file name and extension.

By specifying the password with the "-password" flag followed by the password value, and providing the path to the archive, this command will attempt to extract the compressed files from the password-protected archive.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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