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gbp: Specify a package to be a source-only upload in the `.changes` file (see
$ gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc --changes-options=${-S}
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The command gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc --changes-options=${-S} is mainly used in Debian-based systems to build a Debian package from a Git repository using git-buildpackage (gbp).

Here is the breakdown of the command:

gbp: It is the shorthand for "git-buildpackage" command-line tool.

buildpackage: It is a sub-command of gbp used to build Debian packages.

-jauto: This option tells the build process to use as many parallel jobs as possible, by auto-detecting the number of available CPU cores and utilizing them efficiently during the build process. It speeds up the build time significantly.

-us -uc: These options are used with dpkg-buildpackage (a component of git-buildpackage) and stand for "unsigned source" and "unsigned changes" respectively. It skips the GPG signing checks during the build, which is useful when you want to build the package for testing or personal use.

--changes-options=${-S}: This option is utilized when creating the .changes file (Debian package control and manifest). ${-S} refers to sign the .changes file using the GPG key specified in the environment variable DEBSIGN_KEYID. It automatically signs the changes file with the provided key.

In summary, the command initiates the build process for a Debian package, utilizing parallel jobs, skipping the signing process, and automatically signing the .changes file with the specified GPG key.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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