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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gbp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gbp is a command line tool that stands for "Git Build Package". It is primarily used in Linux packaging workflows for building Debian packages. This tool provides a streamlined interface for managing the build process from a Git repository. gbp allows developers to easily create and maintain Debian packages directly from Git branches.

gbp integrates with the Git version control system, making it efficient to manage packaging changes within a Git workflow. It supports various branch layouts, including traditional Git and Debian workflows. This flexibility accommodates different development practices and makes it convenient to switch between them.

With gbp, developers can easily track upstream sources and changes, create new releases, and manage patches. It supports different packaging formats, such as native and quilt. gbp provides a unified interface for handling source packages and building them into binary packages suitable for distribution.

Additionally, gbp supports building packages in various ways, including pristine-tar for reproducible packaging, building using Git snapshots, and building from upstream source packages. It also integrates with other packaging tools like debhelper, dpkg-buildpackage, and lintian, allowing developers to incorporate existing tools into their packaging processes seamlessly.

Overall, gbp simplifies the packaging workflow by integrating Git and Debian packaging practices, enabling developers to efficiently build and maintain Debian packages directly from Git repositories.

List of commands for gbp:

  • gbp:tldr:aacb3 gbp: Build the package in the current directory using the default builder (`debuild`).
    $ gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc
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  • gbp:tldr:b122d gbp: Import a new upstream release.
    $ gbp import-orig --pristine-tar ${path-to-package-tar-gz}
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  • gbp:tldr:b995a gbp: Convert an existing Debian package to gbp.
    $ gbp import-dsc ${path-to-package-dsc}
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  • gbp:tldr:f1c24 gbp: Specify a package to be a source-only upload in the `.changes` file (see
    $ gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc --changes-options=${-S}
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