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List of commands for gcc:

  • gcc:ai:6600d Compile the given C code into a shared object file named
    $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o fun.c
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  • gcc:ai:7d606 what does this do? byte FUN_08ffb480(void) { byte bVar1; bVar1 = 0; if (-1 < DAT_09564f54) { bVar1 = DAT_2527017e >> 3 & 1; } return bVar1; }
    $ gcc -o test program.c
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  • gcc:tldr:001e5 gcc: Compile multiple source files into an executable.
    $ gcc ${path-to-source1-c path-to-source2-c ---} -o ${path-to-output_executable}
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  • gcc:tldr:28220 gcc: Include libraries from a different path.
    $ gcc ${path-to-source-c} -o ${path-to-output_executable} -I${path-to-header} -L${path-to-library} -l${library_name}
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  • gcc:tldr:a9552 gcc: Show common warnings, debug symbols in output, and optimize without affecting debugging.
    $ gcc ${path-to-source-c} -Wall -g -Og -o ${path-to-output_executable}
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  • gcc:tldr:ebdc5 gcc: Compile source code into Assembler instructions.
    $ gcc -S ${path-to-source-c}
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  • gcc:tldr:f4734 gcc: Compile source code into an object file without linking.
    $ gcc -c ${path-to-source-c}
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