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gcloud: Update all gcloud CLI components.
$ gcloud components update
try on your machine

The command gcloud components update is used to update the Google Cloud SDK components to their latest versions.

The Google Cloud SDK is a set of command-line tools that enables you to interact with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources and services. These tools include the gcloud command, which is the primary tool for managing your GCP resources from the command line.

Running gcloud components update checks for any available updates to the components (such as the gcloud command, beta command, app-engine-java component, etc.) installed on your machine and updates them to the latest version. This ensures that you have the most recent features, bug fixes, and performance improvements available in the SDK. It also keeps your local environment in sync with the latest GCP updates.

It is recommended to periodically run gcloud components update to stay up to date with the latest SDK version and to take advantage of any new features or improvements that have been released.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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