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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gcloud. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gcloud is a powerful command line tool developed by Google that allows users to manage various Google Cloud services and resources. It is part of the Google Cloud SDK, which provides the necessary command line interface for interacting with Google Cloud.

With gcloud, users can perform a wide range of operations, such as deployment management, resource allocation, monitoring, and configuration management, across different Google Cloud services like Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, and more.

The tool offers a comprehensive set of commands that enable users to create and manage virtual machines, storage buckets, load balancers, databases, and other cloud resources directly from the command line. It also allows users to interact with the Google Cloud APIs, access logs and metrics, and troubleshoot issues with ease.

gcloud provides a seamless authentication and authorization experience, allowing users to authenticate using their Google Cloud account and granting them access to the necessary resources and services. It supports multiple authentication strategies, including user-based authentication, service accounts, and OAuth 2.0.

The tool offers built-in features for managing and organizing projects, including project switching, listing projects, and setting the default project. This makes it easy for users to work across different projects and environments without any hassle.

gcloud supports scripting and automation by allowing users to write and execute command line scripts in various scripting languages like bash, PowerShell, and Python. This is especially useful for automating repetitive tasks and integrating cloud operations into existing workflows.

The tool comes with extensive documentation, tutorials, and examples that help users get started quickly and understand the various commands and options available. It also provides helpful error messages and suggestions, making troubleshooting and debugging easier.

gcloud is regularly updated by Google to introduce new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Users can easily update their gcloud installation using the built-in update mechanism, ensuring they always have access to the latest capabilities and improvements.

The command line tool provides advanced security features, such as built-in support for Identity and Access Management (IAM), giving users fine-grained control over resource permissions and access policies. This helps users maintain a secure and controlled environment for their cloud infrastructure.

gcloud supports both interactive and non-interactive modes of operation, allowing users to choose the most suitable method based on their requirements. The interactive mode provides a user-friendly interface for running commands, while the non-interactive mode is ideal for scripting and automation.

In summary, gcloud is a versatile and feature-rich command line tool that empowers users to manage and interact with various Google Cloud services and resources efficiently. Its extensive capabilities, automation support, and robust security features make it an essential tool for developers, system administrators, and cloud enthusiasts working with Google Cloud.

List of commands for gcloud:

  • gcloud:tldr:08db4 gcloud: Display all Google Compute Engine instances in a project. Instances from all zones are listed by default.
    $ gcloud compute instances list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gcloud:tldr:203a9 gcloud: SSH into a virtual machine instance.
    $ gcloud compute ssh ${user}@${instance}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gcloud:tldr:45252 gcloud: Set the active project.
    $ gcloud config set project ${project_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gcloud:tldr:47e73 gcloud: Show help for a given command.
    $ gcloud help ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gcloud:tldr:48e87 gcloud: List all properties in one's active configuration.
    $ gcloud config list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gcloud:tldr:90d79 gcloud: Update a kubeconfig file with the appropriate credentials to point kubectl to a specific cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine.
    $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${cluster_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gcloud:tldr:b32fa gcloud: Log in to Google account.
    $ gcloud auth login
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gcloud:tldr:da9ea gcloud: Update all gcloud CLI components.
    $ gcloud components update
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview