The command "gdalinfo --formats" is used to display a list of all the supported raster and vector formats that can be read by the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) library.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
- "gdalinfo" is the name of the command-line utility provided by GDAL. It is used to query information about a given dataset (geospatial file).
- "--formats" is an option or flag passed to the gdalinfo command. It tells gdalinfo to display a list of supported formats.
When you execute this command, the output will show a list of supported formats, including both raster and vector formats. Each format will have a name and a description, along with some additional information such as whether it supports reading, writing, or both, and what other features it might have.
This command can be useful if you want to check if a specific format is supported by GDAL before attempting to work with a file in that format. Additionally, it can help you determine the capabilities of the library and what formats you can utilize for your geospatial data processing tasks.